ICL Sportsmaster Cleanrun Pro 25kg - 14-0-5 +MCPA +Mecoprop-P
ICL Sportsmaster Cleanrun Pro 25kg - 14-0-5 +MCPA +Mecoprop-P
Sportsmaster Cleanrun Pro Contains three selective weedkillers for the control of broadleaved weeds. Weeds and feeds in one operation, ideal for spring and summer use
Weeds controlled include:- Plantains, Common Mouse-Ear, Common Chickweed, Creeping Buttercup, Thrift and Dandelions.
Some difficult weeds to control such as Dasies, White Clover, Yarrow and Yellow Suckling Clover may need a second application 4-6 weeks after the first.
Apply to dry foliage. Irrigation will aid in dispersion and limit risk of mower pick-up on low cut surfaces. Delay any vertical cutting a/o grooming until 3 days after application; allows granules to properly disperse.
Building upon the strengths of Scotts Professional and ICL, Everris will continue developing the world’s most highly efficient, leading-edge plant and turf products, including Osmocote®, Peters®, Universol®, Levington®, Humax®, Sierraform® GT, Sierrablen® Plus and Agroblen®. According to Everris CEO Fred Bosch, the company’s new tagline, “Driven by Innovation, Inspired by Nature”, underlines its ultimate goal to bring professional products and innovative, sustainable solutions to ornamental horticulture growers, turf managers, landscapers and farmers.